Tasting knife

Are you a gourmet? Do you love food and like to test new flavours? Is it important to you that the food you taste is as little damaged and contaminated as possible during such testing? Then you need a tasting knife with a typically long and narrow blade that allows you to easily penetrate, for example, a piece of cheese or butter. And Mikov hasn't forgotten you, of course.

Knife for military explorers - a milestone on the way to contemporary UTON

The UTON military knife is one of the most famous and popular knives that Mikov produces. Its introduction into the armament of the then Czechoslovak People's Army in the mid-1970s was the result of many years of development. During the development process, a reconnaissance knife was also tested, which, although it did not eventually make it into mass production, was in many ways superior in function and design to the UTON.

Blade roughening - jimping

Knife blades are not just sharpened pieces of metal. When designing them, designers carefully think and calculate the shape to best suit the purpose of the knife. And they also think about the other elements that the blade should contain. We recently wrote about the choil, but it's not the only addition to the blade. Perhaps an even more widely used addition than choil is jimping, the roughening of the blade's spine.

This weekend was the regular memorial gathering to honor fallen veterans at Tango 23 Repetitor

Every August, in the picturesque town of Rožmitál in the Šumava region near Český Krumlov, a group of men who share a special and deep bond gather together. They are soldiers who served in 1995 in the former Yugoslavia (today's Croatia) at the Tango 23 Repetitor observation post, the place where their comrades Luděk Zeman and Petr Valeš died tragically on August 5, 1995. This commemorative gathering on the 29th anniversary of their deaths started on Friday 2 August and ended on Sunday 4 August.

Knives after the holiday

The holidays are halfway over, many of us have already finished our holidays, some of us are still preparing for them. And holidays spent actively in nature are usually the time when we make good use of our outdoor and hunting knives. Mikov offers a wide range of products in these knife categories. But to make sure our knives last as long as possible, we should take a few simple steps when we get home.

From knife terminology - choil

The English word choil refers to a cutout on the blade of a knife that is located near the handle. One example of a choil from Mikov's production is the cutout on the Patron knife.

Leg knife - a lighter view of the world

Leg Knife originated in the 1990s as the little sister of Mike's most famous knife, Fishlet. Its technically improved version was relaunched in 2019 at the request of customers. Since then, Leg knife has maintained its popularity. It is popular with hikers and footballers alike. Perhaps because it takes itself lightly.

Water buffalo and knives

The blades of some of Mikov knives are made from the horns of the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis in Latin). It is a majestic creature native to South Asia. In some Asian cultures it is still a symbol of strength and prosperity. That is why it can often be seen in various rituals and festivals.

Knives for grilling

Barbecuing is a popular summer activity that brings family and friends together over delicious meals prepared over an open fire. For the perfect experience, you need a good group of friends, a hot grill and quality ingredients.However, these need to be prepared for grilling, and of course the right knives are needed for this.