Chisels from Narex Bystřice will help give work to the people of Kenya

The problem of poverty in one of the most remote areas of Kenya is being addressed by an educational project that includes a two-year carpentry training course. Narex Bystřice provided the newly emerging school with ten sets of basic carpentry tools.

List UNI - freedom of choice

List knife is one of Mikov's newer products and, with its original shape is also one of the most successful knives. From this spring, you can buy List separately and then choose all the accessories for it according to your taste.

UTON z oceli N690

Když jsme v roce 2018 uvedli limitovanou edici nože UTON z oceli N 690 ke 100. výročí založení Československa, vyprodala se za 20 minut po zveřejnění. Ohlas byl velký a poptávka zákazníků po tom, aby se UTON začal z této oceli vyrábět standardně, také.

Reviving the Czech Republic together

We recently received an invitation from the insurance company VZP to join the project Together Reviving the Czech Republic. We were thrilled by the idea of supporting Czech products and helping those affected by the coronavirus crisis. That's why we agreed without hesitation - Mikov makes Czech knives, so of course, we go for it.

You can even have a barbecue in quarantine - and it will be better with the right knives

We have prepared a few principles for you to choose knives. They will ensure that the barbecue will be a really beautiful experience for you. Because it is important to choose not only the right grill but also quality and suitable knives.

Ostrá legenda slaví u výsadkářů 45 let v akci. Nůž UTON vojáci i kradli

Mikov převzal výrobu a prodej nožů značky Maďarič

Od léta 2020 Mikov přebírá výrobu legendárních nožů Maďarič a stává se zároveň majitelem stejnojmenné ochranné známky. Pro všechny zájemce o nože Maďarič převzetím výroby Mikovem nedochází k žádné zásadní změně. Nejpopulárnější modely budou postupně k objednání na e-shopu Mikova.

Mikov will be a successor of Lubomír Maďarič

There are not many knife makers who have impressed themselves into the minds of knife fans in the past thirty years, like Mr. Lubomír Maďarič. A trained locksmith, who excelled in athletics and weightlifting in his youth, began making his first knives back in 1972. Since then he has become a master of the fine crafts in a good sense and has gone through a number of occupations, but he has remained faithful to the knives. Since 1993 he has been professionally producing them

Greetings from Bohemian Switzerland

The town of Mikulášovice is depopulated, pubs are closed, but people go to the woods, learn new crafts, work in the gardens, go fishing. And even though the closed borders may remind us of past times, we believe that everything will turn out well.