Hunting knives

16. října 2023

The autumn hunting season is in full swing. Every hunter knows that he or she must go into the woods properly prepared to handle everything that may come his or her way. An important part of hunting equipment is therefore, of course, a quality hunting knife.

Knives have been associated with hunting since prehistoric times, when ancient hunters processed their catch with flint. As technology progressed, the flint was replaced first by bronze and finally by iron hunting knives, and knives gradually became specialised according to their use.

The most widely used of these was the hunting dagger. We can read about it already in the Chronicle of Cosmas, where it was still used as a personal weapon. The fang used to be equipped with practically every hunter, who used it to finish off game when tracking it. Mike's hunting dagger was produced under the trade name King.

Another hunting knife used to be the so-called boot knife, to which we dedicated the separate blog this year. Mikov also has a hunting boot, of course. Also popular today are fixed blade utility hunting knives. Mikov offers them in either the basic Klasik version or the more luxurious Special version.

But probably the most practical for most hunters are hunting knives. According to some authors, they appeared in our country only around 1950, but the cutlery factories in Mikulášovice were already producing them before the Second World War. The Mikov hunting knives are equipped with a blade lock and customers can choose whether they want additional equipment such as a saw or a crowbar.

Mikov currently sells four types of closing hunting knives. The smallest in size has the trade name Fixir. Slightly larger hunting knives with a sleek design, but with only one blade, are called Hablock, the medium-sized Hubert and the largest Hunter.