Knives are (not) thrown

24. července 2023

As young children, we often heard from leaders and parents at camps and trips, "No throwing knives!" Usually it was when we took out our Fishies or even bigger closing knives and tried to see if they would stick in a stump or a log. (We were well-behaved, so of course we knew not to stab a live tree).

Of course, the adults' command was correct at the time, because you don't really throw with a closing knife, but also with a fixed blade knife, which is designed primarily for cutting. Heroes in adventure films, but especially athletes and entertainers use other, special knives for throwing. Such throwing knives are well-balanced and there is no danger of having to throw them away after missing the target and the knife hits the ground because a crucial component has broken off.

That's why we also offer knives designed exclusively for throwing. For accuracy throws, we offer two types of throwing knives - round and square. Both have the same length - 230 mm, and it's up to you which one you prefer.

If you can't decide, you can buy both of them in one set together with the throwing star. The latter has a diameter of 70 mm, we know it well from Asian martial arts movies, but for us it can also serve as an interesting sporting tool when throwing at a target.

Taking advantage of holiday time in the countryside for family or friend competitions in knife or star throwing is a great tip for fun. Recommended, you won't regret it. But just please remember that these are knives, so safety and caution must come first.