Behind our classic kitchen knives is the legend of Czech design

18. února 2021

Knives, unlike electronics or home appliances, for example, have a longer life. Often a knife stays in the limelight for decades. And it doesn't have to be just the iconic Rybička or the military UTON. It can also be an ordinary kitchen knife

Although, as a company, we are launching new sets of kitchen knives - recently, for example, the Ruby series, many of our customers cannot afford seemingly ordinary kitchen knives with plastic handles. 

But it's not a coincidence at all. Behind the design of our classics kitchen knives is Stanislav Lachman, the master of Czech design. Older generations met his designs almost daily at every turn - be it mixers, irons or vacuum cleaners.

But because nobody can stop technical progress, most of his proposals are now only on museum shelves. Perhaps out of nostalgia, he is hiding somewhere in the chambers of older houses. However, kitchen knives are still being made - and not out of nostalgia at all. The well-designed knife handle has proven itself years ago and is still prooving itself. And why? Because timeless design goes hand in hand with ergonomics. And these are values ​​that don't get old. 

If you want to try out how knives designed by a legendary Czech designer fit into your hands while working in the kitchen, you can also use our offer of discounted set - Little Helper. But we have prepared many more sets of knives for you as part of our Spring sale off event.